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Fun, Creativity & Achievement.


Our Early Years curriculum provides the foundations for developing happy, confident, resilient learners and fosters a lifelong love of reading and learning. Our exceptional team have the child at the centre of everything they do and, through themed learning experiences, encourage children to play an active role in their own development. Children feel safe to develop as individuals in this nurturing, supportive environment, which provides children and their families with an exceptional start to school.


At Holne Chase, you will find children fully immersed in learning, with creative, themed experiences and language rich environments ensuring that all opportunities to learn are taken within our wonderfully engaging provision.

Reading is at the heart of our provision and daily phonics sessions using the ELS program are fundamental to ensuring our children have the building blocks to read and love reading. Individual reading, family reading and class story time ensures that we share a wide variety of books and texts with our children.

Literacy and Maths sessions are embedded in the Early Years curriculum, with opportunities for children to consolidate their learning creatively, in both indoor and outdoor settings. The importance we place on ‘early number’ is demonstrated throughout the Early Years spaces with learning opportunities integrated at every opportunity, including at the Maths Shed in the outdoor classroom, where Maths flows into the outdoors for children to access independently.

Our indoor and outdoor provision ensures that children have continuous opportunities to develop their knowledge in all of the EYFS areas of learning. Our classrooms and wonderful outside learning and play area are designed to develop the whole child, with themed role play areas, creative stations and construction areas, which all children can explore for sustained periods of time with or without adult support. You will often find our children building elaborate structures in our construction area or creating a range of exciting recipes at our mud kitchen.


Our approach leads to happy children, with a love for learning and school and families that feel at the heart of their school community and who truly believe that Holne Chase Primary is their school. They leave Early Years with the fundamental skills needed to be successful as they progress their learning into Year 1. The children are confident and resilience learners who successfully continue to use their building blocks to make great progress in Key Stage One.

Each year, the level of children achieving a Good Level of Development at the end of Early Years is above the national average.

Early Years Information Presentation

Holne Chase Primary School, Buckingham Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 5HP

Registered Office: Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton NN4 6BU
Registration No. 08282041. England & Wales.